Serious Illness Care
Serious Illness Care
Anyone diagnosed with a serious illness may be eligible for Serious Illness Care. As part of the medical specialty of Palliative Medicine, serious illness care is specialized medical care that provides relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness. The goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and their family.
Serious illness care is provided by a team of specialists, including physicians, nurse practitioners, and social workers who work together with a patient’s other doctors to provide an extra layer of support. It is appropriate at any age and any stage in a serious illness, and it can be provided in conjunction with curative treatment.

Those coping with a chronic and/or serious illness may benefit from the added layer of care and support that our serious illness care program provides. Examples:
- COPD or other respiratory diseases
- Heart failure/heart disease
- Parkinson's Disease
- Cancer
- Dementia
- Kidney failure
Our serious illness care team of specialists includes physicians, nurse practitioners, and social workers. Together with your own doctor, we make sure that you receive:
- Relief from symptoms including pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, numbness, problems with sleep, & much more.
- In-depth communication with you and your family about your goals, your concerns, and your treatment options—and how to match your goals to those options.
- Coordination of your care among all of your health care providers.
- Improved ability to tolerate medical treatments and the side effects of the disease.
- Improved ability to carry on with daily life.
- Emotional, practical, and spiritual support for you and your family
What else should you know?
Serious illness care is not hospice care by another name!
While our serious illness care program is a division of ANCORA Compassionate Care, serious illness care and hospice care are two different specialties. Unfortunately, palliative care and hospice have been used interchangeably in the medical community for years and thus, they are synonymous for many; we are trying to avoid confusion by referring to our program as Serious Illness Care.
Both programs, however, focus on patient comfort, quality of life, and support for patient and family. Click here for a comparison of Serious Illness Care and Hospice Care.
Begin Serious Illness Care Early
Serious illness care can occur at the same time as all other treatments for your illness. There’s absolutely no reason to wait. In fact, some studies have shown that serious illness care may extend life. Pain and symptoms affect your quality of life and stress can have a big impact on your family. Our serious illness care team can help.
We Now Have A Serious Illness Clinic
In the center of the county, our clinic is located at 8380 NC Hwy 87, Reidsville, NC 27320 (just east of the intersection of highways 65 and 87).
The clinic is on the right-hand side of the building. You will see our new sign on the building, adjacent to the ramp to the entrance.
Your insurance will likely cover serious illness care
Most insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, cover serious illness (palliative) care. It is handled like other specialty medical services, such as oncology or cardiology.
Serious illness care is easy to access - just ask for it!
You may already have been referred to the serious illness care team, but if not, talk with your doctor about a referral - or call us and we'll reach out to your primary provider to begin the referral process. We work together with your primary doctor and health care team.
To learn more about our Serious Illness Care, please call us at (336) 635-9031.

Serious Illness Care Versus Hospice Care
Serious Illness Care
What is serious illness care?
Serious illness care may be provided at the same time as all other treatments for your serious illness, regardless of life expectancy; care is coordinated with your primary physician.
Supportive care with or without an intent to cure.
Serious Illness Care offers:
pain and symptom management
in-person, clinic, & telehealth visits
assistance in navigating treatment options
goals of care conversations
advance care planning
referrals to community resources
Serious illness care may be provided in most care settings: home, our serious illness clinic, skilled nursing facility, assisted living facility, group home
Serious illness care consultations are covered by Medicare and many private insurance companies, however co-pays may apply.
Hospice Care
What is hospice care?
Hospice care may begin when your physician feels your life expectancy is months, rather than years.
Comfort care for those whose disease is no longer responding to treatment or who have elected not to continue with curative treatment.
Hospice Care offers:
pain and symptom management
24-hour on-call availability
in-person visits (RNs, Hospice Aides, social workers, chaplains)
medical equipment
related supplies
related medications
inpatient care
respite care
spiritual care
psychosocial support
volunteer services
Hospice care may be provided in most care settings: home (most often), Gibson House, skilled nursing facility, assisted living facility, group home, retirement living, hospital (inpatient levels of care only).
Hospice is covered by Medicare, VA benefits, Medicaid, and most private insurance plans. Services related to the life-limiting illness are covered with few or no out-of-pocket expenses.
ANCORA Compassionate Care is very proud to say we have never had to turn away a patient due to a lack of insurance coverage or ability to pay. We would be unable to make this claim, however, without strong community support in the form of gifts and donations to offset the cost of providing patient care and bereavement support to the Rockingham County community.
ANCORA Compassionate Care is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, therefore donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.